“The work of education and redemption are one…”
At family worship our 4year old grand daughter asked her Daddy to read about the Sanctuary, while her fingers were feverishly searching for the right page, she knew exactly what she was looking for. We were so surprised about her request and insight, not knowing that it was exactly what they were doing at school.
What a wonderful privilege we had to attend the year-end function at the newly established AFG Church School. How utterly blessed we were to see the model they had built of the sanctuary and our hearts were warmed by the beautiful song they sang about it. They also sang about being a Temple!
What a blessing to have a Christian School with committed Christian teachers… who are committed to teach about the Creator-Redeemer. The scholars spread so much joy with the rendering of their heartwarming songs and their counting games. The parents thoroughly enjoyed learning how to chime bells with the children on the well known Trust and Obey Hymn.
Our prayers will be for God’s blessings and grace towards every learner and teacher and that this new born school will be a testimony of God’s providence and leading as it grows and expands.